With so many things to consider when you buy health insurance for your family, it’s easy to get confused and overlook important factors. Our infographic can help you!

buy health insurance

Key pointers for when you buy health insurance

Adequate Cover

We recommend having in excess of 10 million THB per person, per year. Why? This is how much it can cost for serious accident/Illness. If you are going to go to the effort to buy health insurance, then make sure it’s adequate cover! Medical costs in Thailand are not small! Make sure you do not fall into the trap of thinking that health care costs in Thailand are cheap, off the back of a visit to the Doctor for a cold. Indeed, these expenses may be affordable when compared to expenses in other countries. However, expenses in Thailand can spiral once you are admitted into the hospital for surgery, or if you are involved in a serious accident.


Look out for volume discounts when you buy health insurance. Most health insurers offer discounts for families. Every little helps when it comes to saving on family health insurance plans. Discounts are normally on a percentage basis, but can include pricing deals where a second child is free of charge.

Regulated Provider

Using a regulated provider is vital if you want your insurance to stand up to the test of a major claim. Do not risk it by using an unregulated, unscrupulous insurer. Check out where a provider is based and regulated. It might end up saving you a lot of hassle later down the line! Short term savings could lead to long term expenses involved in recouping expenses from illegitimate health insurance companies. Do not fall into this trap! Knowing your insurer can, and will, pay out in the event of a serious claim is an absolute must! At Seek2insure we vet our providers carefully, and only work with regulated and trustworthy partners.

Wellness Cover

Wellness cover is great to have for any family. However, it does add to your premium so make sure you factor that in when considering the level of coverage you want. If you are looking to save money, it can make more sense to pay for wellness out of pocket.

Hospital Network

Using a hospital which is in your insurers direct billing network makes perfect sense, and will make your insurance journey so much smoother. Make sure you familiarise yourself with the hospitals you can use with your chosen provider.

Cover Area

Be clear on where your health insurance plan will cover you. This should be established before you buy health insurance and not after.


All maternity coverage is subject to waiting periods. Therefore, if you intend on having children, get maternity insurance in place ahead of time. Maternity insurance can be a complex product with multiple considerations! Do your homework and find a plan which suits your requrements!


Declaring your medical history is a vital part of making your health insurance work without issue. Health Insurers can check your medical history, so being dishonest will not benefit you in the long run.

Stand Alone Child Plans

If one or both parents already have health insurance in place, stand alone child plans allow you to insure your children on their own plan. There are a limited number of providers who permit stand alone child health insurance plans. Contact us today for more information!

Newborn Addition

Adding a newborn into a health insurance policy can be complicated, and often involves waiting period. If you want a seamless newborn addition into your policy, then you must be prepared and have the policy in place before you get pregnant.

Looking to buy family health insurance? Contact Seek2Insure today for a quote!

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