Travel Insurance affords us protection when we are travelling outside of our country of residence. In the following article we look at whether you should purchase a single trip policy, or should look at an annual policy.
Single Trip Insurance Thailand
For people who do not travel on a regular basis, single trip travel insurance is often the most cost effective way of making sure you are covered on your travels. All you need to do is to inform us of the length of your trip away, and we can get back to you with a competitive price. Whatever you do, do not cut corners by thinking travel insurance is not necessary. If you get sick on your holiday then costs can escalate very quickly. Medical Evacuation in particular is a very costly process which is often needed for people who fall sick or are injured in remote holiday locations. Be prepared and plan ahead of your holiday. By doing so you can enjoy your holiday without the worry of what happens should you get ill. Travel insurance policies have a host of other benefits too. This can include cover should your trip be delayed or cancelled, cover for lost or damaged baggage, and even liability cover should you face legal action.
Annual Travel Insurance Thailand
For people who travel on a regular basis, an annual travel insurance policy is the best way to make sure your trips are covered. Not only is it a cost effective way of buying your travel insurance, it’s also the simplest. Simply renew your annual policy every year and then you don’t need to worry about sorting it out for each individual trip. Keeping it simple like this also saves you money as annual policies work out cheaper than buying multiple policies over the course of the year. Do remember that insurers place trip duration limits on annual policies. This means that an annual travel insurance policy can not be used by residents of a country. If you are resident in a country, make sure you purchase a health insurance policy which protects you year- round. To find out about the trip duration limits speak to one of our consultants, as this differs on an insurer to insurer basis.